This morning we finally caught Bjorn's heartwarming smile on camera!
To get him to smile, Odin and Dad were being very funny!
Last weekend we took a trip to the land. It was a gorgeous day!
This past week we also got our Christmas Tree. Odin loved decorating it.
It was really important to Odin that he put the star on the top of the tree.
Grandpa Dave came to visit yesterday. He and Bjorn did some hanging out...
Yesterday Bjorn and Odin both went to the doctor. Odin now weighs 35 pounds (72 percentile) and is 38.25 inches tall (69 percentile). Bjorn is a big boy! He weighs 16 pounds (97 percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (81 percentile). According to the doc both boys are right on schedule developmentally.