Today we celebrated Odin's first birthday. We can hardly believe a full year has passed since Odin made his surprise entrance. The year has been wonderful and we are amazed at how much we enjoy watching his growth and development.
Except Odin didn't get a good afternoon nap before the party and was a bit sleepy...
We threw Odin a birthday party. Mom made him a blueberry pie. All of his friends came! The apartment was buzzing with laughter from many children. I'd say a good time was had by all.
and feel asleep in his Swedish Grandpa's arms. Kenneth held him while he slept for an hour or so and then he woke up. When he woke we sang Happy Birthday to him in English, Swedish, Spanish and the silly "you smell like a monkey" version!
Here we are singing the English can tell he still looks a bit sleepy :-)
The night before his birthday we let Odin open one of his birthday present from us. A wooden alligator that moves and makes noise as you pull it along.