Garden is coming along great. Odin likes to pick peas and eat them. Though it appears as though the picking is his favorite part!
Can you say ... "I want the camera!!"
Mom, Dad, and Odin went for a hike in the woods the past 2 weekends and had a picnic. It was really nice. Would have been even nicer if we didn't have to worry about ticks, but that comes with it, at least until the late fall. Of course Odin brought his chainsaw!
Here is a wider angle of the garden with Mom and Odin in the picture. You can see about 1/2 of the beds. The clover we seeded in the walkways is doing great - that's all the bright green you see.
Here is mom at 21 weeks pregnant with baby #2. We're not sure on the sex...I think it's a girl, but i thought that last time. Celia isn't sure what it will be this time. I guess we'll find out later in the fall. Odin is already talking about being a big brother.